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Magna Res - Sara Stode Winter

  • Ad Lib Gallery 10 Church Road London, England, SW19 5DL United Kingdom (map)

London based artist Sara Stode Winter has spent her working life in steady pursuit of creative fulfilment. With a background in fine art and illustration and many years of professional experience in different creative fields, she has acquired a strong artistic confidence and a truly unique expression that manifests in her abstract paper sculptures. Taking inspiration from her Scandinavian roots, Sara’s sculptures showcase a refined aesthetic and a considered use of colours and materials which, along with her avant-garde mindset, lends each piece an intriguing air of beauty and wonder.

Sara’s first solo exhibition of illustrations at Fanny Nelson's in London in 2016 sold out. Her first solo exhibition of paper sculptures “Magna Res” will take place in March 2023 at the Ad Lib Gallery in London.

Private View:

Please join us for drinks on Friday 31 March, 6pm - 8:30pm.

Magna Res

30 March - 02 April 2023

@ Ad Lib Gallery, Wimbledon Village, London

Gallery Opening Hours:
Mon: 11am - 4:30pm
Tues - Sat: 10:30am - 5:30pm
Sun: 11am - 4:30pm

Sara’s website:

Instagram: @adlibgallery

Ad Lib Gallery, 10 Church Road, Wimbledon Village, SW19 5DL

Control is overrated. Interesting things happen when you surrender to the fact that you never really had any in the first place. Shedding a lifelong quest for perfection and preciseness I am now making art as an exploration of what happens when an open creative mind meets malleable materials. 

I make large scale sculptures out of quality Italian crepe paper. When I came across this beautiful paper I was instantly drawn to the playfulness of its properties. Even now the possibilities seem endless. To dye and manipulate the paper I use different media and techniques in processes that render each piece truly unique. The sculptures all take shape organically; from initial idea to finished artwork nothing is forced into being. I let the paper lead the way.

Lately I have felt a pressing need to make large sculptures, which makes perfect sense. As the physical manifestations of an unleashed creativity, the pieces that emerge demand scale. No longer getting lost in the details, I am finding and claiming my space.

For further information please contact Ad Lib Gallery here

Earlier Event: 16 March
Jean Fletcher Solo Show
Later Event: 6 April
Art Below Group Show