Nick Dillon


Nick is Manchester born and bred and is now living in the south of England. The pop culture of the 90s heavily influences his work. All of his work is a one-off, he tries to keep every commissioned piece as bespoke to the client as possible trying not to replicate the same picture twice, this is what makes his work so unique. 

All of his work is Hand Painted, not printed, with no machines, just him and his paintbrush. he has exhibited in London and Manchester and sold work through Castle Galleries in Manchester producing 4 Large bespoke pieces and selling within 48 hours. He has also exhibited with Ad Lib Gallery in Wimbledon Village and at their queen-themed exhibition “Art Save The Queen” in Southbank, London.

As an avid football fan, his artworks are currently being shown in Hotel Football, Old Trafford and of course, there is a nod to his football team with work in the Bishops Blaize, Old Trafford.

In 2016, working alongside The Underdog Gallery - London Bridge he created a successful debut solo show - Artist and Albums -   which involved over 40 pieces of original work and which sold to clients all over the world.

View a selection of Nick’s works below ↓


To enquire about any of Nick’s artworks please contact us here